Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Fresh Starts

I hope this doesn't offend my former pastors. All of them (about six total over 28 years) have been a positive influence on my life.

The truth is I don't remember too many of their sermons. The best way for me to learn is through interaction usually in a Bible study or a small group setting. However, every so often a word or phrase from a sermon finds it's way into my heart and blesses me.

One Sunday after New Year's Day I heard a message on fresh starts and new beginnings. The pastor said that God is a God of fresh starts. That's all I remember of the teaching. I would like to share with you what that means to me.

Lamentations 3:22,23 says, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness."

2 Corinthians 4:16 says, "So we do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed every day."

At the beginning of each new year I always think about a fresh start in my walk with the Lord. How can I know and relate to Him better? How can I improve my prayer life? Are there better ways to share Him with others? How can I better encourage others in their walk?

The best thing about starting fresh is that if I fall short or fail, He's ready to offer me another opportunity. A new chance to get up, repent if needed, and move on. God doesn't want us to fail! Let me say that again a little louder, GOD DOESN'T WANT US TO FAIL!! I am reminded of Israel and their opportunities or Peter and his.

The "fresh start" doesn't have to be yearly. It can be daily, hourly, or minute by minute. The point is that it's available.

I want to encourage you to get a fresh start. You don't have to do it alone. Get the help of a spouse, or close friend, an accountability partner. Do it with your small group or Bible study group.

God's mercies are new every morning. Have a wonderful new year. God bless y'all real good.


Follower of Christ said...

You're right, God does not want us to fail. We were reading in Keith Green's "A Cry in the Wilderness. God did not create anyone for the purpose of destroying them. I've never met anyone who planted a tree in their yard for firewood." Ch. 7, pg. 59 5th paragraph. Have a great day!

Rudy Baga said...

A good reminder for the new year. Fresh starts. New years. A new day. Today is the only day we have!