Thursday, May 22, 2008

Persevere! His Word Is Still Sufficient

Matthew 10:22 says, "And you will hated for my name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved."

Romans5:3 says, "And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations knowing that tribulation produces perseverence;"

James 1:3 says, "...knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.."

To persevere is to persist in or with any undertaking, plan, or course. To persist is to continue steadfastly, to remain, to continue, to endure.

Has your faith ever been tested? Have you ever been taken to a point of choosing faith or choosing unbelief? I'm not talking about when Christ revealed Himself to you. I'm talking about an incident as a believer where you had to choose to trust God to get you through?

I've been there. During the lowest point in my life I had a decision to make. I won't go into the details but you can read about it at Witness Jesus - Testimonies which I link to from my site, look under Guidance, and read "Provided 4".

At that time I had a decision to make. I chose faith. Looking back, I see in that time of my life tremendous growth. It wasn't easy. I had questions, doubts, there was disappointment, and tears. With the help of God I remained faithful. He rewarded my perseverence. I'm still running the race! Thanks be to God!

How about you? I know many believers are suffering much more than what I went through. I encourage you to continue in the race. Keep your eyes fixed on the prize. Persevere! His Word is still sufficient. God bless y'all real good.


Elaine said...

Thanks Denny, very timely word for me.... Elaine

Elaine said...

A very timely word, thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Knucklehead, for the good encouragement. I am always hoping God will allow me to step out of the race that he has set before me and not have to persevere, especially through the long slog that it often turns into. So, your encouragement is a good one.


ecclesia said...

Recently I was involved in a situation which may have cost me a Godly relationship. I became all self-righteous. What about my rights? Aren't I entitled to anything. It didn't hit me until a friend mind reminded me of this "Godly" relationship and the importance of it. It was another person that reminded me that Jesus gave up His rights. I had been toiling over this for weeks. The toiling was because I wasn't willing to cross the line and do the right thing. I wanted to be selfish. Once I gave up my rights and submitted my will to God, everything just fell into place. I finally chose to do the right thing and their was much joy in that. I saw the hand of God looking back on all of it. It's not easy to persevere, in fact, at times, it can be grueling, but in the end, it's well worth it! When we're suffering, or being persecuted, or just going through a trial, we must always remember that God knows everything and sees everything. And that's where faith comes in. We must trust God in all of it and remain obedient, no matter what the circumstances. I also learned in that, how awesome a commitment to prayer is. If we are patient and seek the Lord, the answers will come!

Kez said...

When I read your blog, I was immediately reminded of John the Baptist. Here is this guy doing everything God had asked of him and he's sitting in prison on death row wondering, "is He REALLY the Messiah?" I, unfortunately, often wonder at far less persecution. Isn't it you that once said, "we think we (Americans in general) are being martyrs when we get a common cold."

I guess since John the Baptist had doubts, it must be a normal part of being a Christian, huh?

I have just finished reading "Till We Have Faces" by C.S. Lewis. (A great book and a very easy read - it is a variation on the myth of Cupid and Psyche.) He was speaking on why God doesn't speak clearly to us (face to face) and why we must persevere and push through, often for weeks, months or even years to understand. His answer is profound. "I saw well why the gods do not speak to us openly, nor let us answer. Till that word can be dug out of us, why should they hear the babble that we think we mean? How can they meet us face to face till we have faces?"